
The term 'compliance'* denotes the adherence to statutory provisions, regulatory standards and the fulfilment of other essential ethical standards and requirements which have normally been stipulated by the company itself.

1. Responsibility for social fundamental rights and principles

  • HA-BE respects the internationally recognised human rights.
  • The standards set down by the International Labour Organisation are observed by HA-BE without exception.
  • The employees are entitled to participate in unions and in employees' representative bodies or to establish such.
  • Forced or compulsory labour is rejected and child labour prohibited.
  • Remuneration and benefits comply with national minimum standards.
  • Equal opportunities are guaranteed irrespective of ethnic origin, skin colour, gender, disability, ideology, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, social origin and political beliefs, insofar as they are based on democratic principles.
  • Discrimination (e.g. mobbing) is forbidden 

2. Conflicts of interest

Great importance is attached to the employees of HA-BE not coming into conflict situations between their private and professional interests when carrying out their work at HA-BE.

3. Avoiding conflicts of interest and corruption

  • No employee may exploit the business connections of the company for his/her own or the advantage of others, or to the detriment of the company.
  • No employee may exploit private favours unlawfully in his/her business dealings (e.g. money, vouchers, discounts, any type of financing, material assets).
  • Each employee shall inform him/herself about the internal rules and regulations before he/she gives a gift or receives a gift.
  • The employees undertake to obtain advice or help from the management if they have suspicions in connection with corruption.

4. Fair competition

  • HA-BE supports fair and unadulterated competition in compliance with competition and antitrust law.
  • Each employee undertakes to comply with the regulations governing competition and antitrust law.

5. Data protection and security

HA-BE respects and protects confidential data of employees, job candidates, customers, and suppliers.

* Link to compliance policy